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Matthies Druckguss GmbH & Co. KG
Bredstedter Straße 29 - 31
24768 Rendsburg

Phone: +49 4331 71253

Matthies Druckguss GmbH & Co. KG
Bredstedter Straße 29-31
24768 Rendsburg

Everything from
a single mould

65 years of Matthies high-pressure
die casting

We provide you with customised solutions for your requirements in the areas of toolmaking, mechanical finishing and surface treatment. You can rely on our comprehensive service and technical expertise to achieve first-class results.


In-house toolmaking

Your idea takes shape here!

Discover our expertise in the field of toolmaking. With state-of-the-art technologies and many years of experience, we manufacture customised moulds, cutting tools and processing equipment for the production and processing of cast parts. We always follow your individual requirements for the product. From design to production, we guarantee maximum precision and quality. You can rely on our toolmaking to create the basis for outstanding cast parts.

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Vor- und Nachbearbeitung

Mechanische Bearbeitung

Für einzigartige Präzision!

Unsere umfangreich ausgestattete Abteilung für mechanische Bearbeitung steht für herausragende Präzision und Qualität. Mit modernsten Maschinen und erfahrenen Fachkräften bieten wir Ihnen maßgeschneiderte Lösungen für Ihre Gussteile. Egal, ob es um das Entfernen von überschüssigem Grat oder spezielle und hochpräzise Nachbearbeitungen geht: Wir erfüllen Ihre individuellen Anforderungen und liefern Ergebnisse, die höchsten Ansprüchen gerecht werden. Vertrauen Sie auf unsere mechanische Bearbeitung, um das Optimum aus Ihren Gussteilen herauszuholen.

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Cast Design

Bringing die-cast parts to a high lustre!

With the development of high-gloss polishing as a surface finish for aluminium parts, the possible applications of die casting have increased significantly. In co-operation with a partner from the lighting industry, Matthies Druckguss has succeeded in developing economical solutions for surface finishing.
This gave rise to the "Matthies cast design®" brand and made it possible to retain the original metallic sheen and natural colouring of the aluminium base material and to produce the lightest possible workpieces in large quantities. This process also protects the environment, as no environmentally harmful substances are used compared to other surface coatings.

Matthies cast design® is characterised by:

  • high-gloss surfaces
  • perfect appearance
  • natural lustre

The possibilities are endless.
The result is clear: unique precision!

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Mechanical processing

For unrivalled precision!

Our extensively equipped machining department stands for outstanding precision and quality. With state-of-the-art machines and experienced specialists, we offer you customised solutions for your cast parts. Whether it's the removal of excess burrs or special, high-precision reworking, we fulfil your individual requirements and deliver results that meet the highest standards. Rely on our mechanical processing to get the best out of your castings.

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Handcraft and tradition, combined with the most modern
manufacturing processes.


Matthies Druckguss GmbH & Co. KG
Bredstedter Straße 29 - 31
24768 Rendsburg

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65 years of Matthies Druckguss – tradition and innovation combined.


Lamp housing

Frame ring

Frequently asked questions

We have compiled the most frequently asked questions for you and answered them directly.

What are the advantages of high-pressure die casting (HPDC)?

From what batch size is die casting economical?

Which alloys do we process?

The design is still under development. Will you support us with the realisation?

What do I need to consider when designing and dimensioning the casting?

What is needed to receive a quote from you?

From offer to order. What happens now?

What are the MTZ and ETZ surcharges?